And the award for the job that will make you crap your pants goes to…

And the award for the job that will make you crap your pants goes to…

OK, On one hand this is amazing.  On the other hand, this is INSANE!  The video is of a Tower engineer climbing a 1768-foot tower.  Oh, and it’s from a helmet mounted camera also, so if you’re woo-woo about heights, word of warning.

The crazy thing about this is, well, watch the video and you tell me where it crosses the line from interesting to Insane.

Merry Christmas!

Merry Christmas!

I want to take the time to wish everyone a Merry Christmas.  It’s been a great year, and I’ve spent some good times over the past few days with family.  Here’s to the New Year that will soon be upon us.

But it all pales in comparison, to the Word that became flesh, to save us all from our Sin.  May your Name be lifted High Oh Lord.

On a separate note, I came across this video today, and if you can make it past 30 seconds of this Video, and not be bawling, then I commend you, as I must be weak.

Happy Thanksgiving

Happy Thanksgiving

Wow, I suck.  Last post on the 4th of July?  I’m going to have to do better than that!

Anyhoo, I hope everyone has a great Thanksgiving, and a wonderful time with your families.

Happy Independence Day!

Happy Independence Day!

234 years since this great country of ours was created, out of defiance and desire for freedom.  We face many troubles, and there are many tribulations yet to come.  But I still hope and pray, that if stand to the founding principles of this country, and to the God under which we are United, then we will continue to be a beacon in the darkness.

So please take this time, to reflect on the prices we have paid, the sacrifices that were made, and those that gave, and continue to give all for the freedoms which we enjoy.

Remember those who have fallen, and those who spend this time away fighting for this country away from their families.

Old Glory – Phil Stacey